
  1. Differences between Flex 3 and Flex 4 beta(比较Flex3和Flex4的区别,很全面,值得一看)
  2. 了解一下Flex 4里的fx、mx以及s命名空间
  3. Introducing skinning in Flex 4 beta(强烈推荐!简单地介绍了Skin part、state、skinClass的编写方法以及FXG语法,有范例)
  4. Overview of custom component changes in Adobe Flex 4 beta(自定义组件在Flex4中的改变)
  5. Spark layouts with Flex 4 beta(不了解Flex4新的布局机制的,看看这个吧)
  6. Enhanced States Syntax - Functional and Design Specification(新的state使用方法详细介绍)
  7. MXML 2009 - Functional and Design Specification(着重介绍了Flex4的Namespace、Declarations、Private、Library标签的用法,以及Flex4与Flex3之间的区别)
  8. Flex4:DataGroup and ItemRenderers
  9. Flex 4 & Custom Layouts(Flex4与自定义布局,中文在这里


  1. 视频:Flex4中的高级CSS
  2. 视频:在Flex4中为组件和程序换肤
  3. Learn to Use Flash Builder 4 and Flex 4 SDK(Adobe Labs的教程,比较全面,由浅入深的涉及到Flex4的各个方面,有视频、有文章、有资源)
  4. Tutorial and Demonstration Videos(视频教程集合,全面涉及Flex4的各个方面)


  1. Understanding FXG, a primer on Adobe's new graphics file format(了解FXG)
  2. FXG 1.0 - Functional and Design Specification(FXG语法详细介绍)
  3. FXG 1.0 Intro 1: Basic Shape
  4. FXG 1.0 Intro 2: 万能的Path之一
  5. FXG 1.0 Intro 3: 万能的Path之二
  6. FXG 1.0 Intro 4: stroke and fill
  7. FXG 1.0 Intro 5: Color Transform
  8. FXG 1.0 Intro 6: BitmapImage and Transform




  1. Using virtualization with Spark DataGroup and SkinnableDataContainer(在DataGroup和SkinnableDataContainer中使用虚拟化)
  2. Using Virtualized Layouts and DataGroups in Flex 4(在Flex4中使用虚拟化布局)
  3. Spark Virtualization - Functional and Design Specification(Spark组件中的虚拟化技术功能和设计说明)