Pebble Classic 的售后和花屏维修
去年11月买的 Pebble 用了一个多月就花屏了,这质量很糟糕啊。好在 Pebble 的售后还是很给力的,直接给换新了。由于旧的手表不用退回,自己动动手就能修好。下面说说流程。
1. 在手机上 Pebble 的 App 中点击 Connect Support ,Pebble App 会自动启动手机中邮件客户端,把手机型号和 Pebble 型号带上,在这封邮件中,你可以描述一下 Pebble 的问题,然后附上照片。
2. 24小时内会收到 Pebble 客服的确认邮件。如果确认需要换新,再过24小时会收到一封要求提供地址信息的邮件,大概是这样的:
Thanks for helping me diagnose this problem. Let's get you Pebbled again as soon as possible!
To make sure I fill out your Replacement Authorization with the correct information, please confirm the following:
Your permanent shipping address in the following format: Name: Street Address 1: Street Address 2: City: Region/State: Postal Code: Country: Phone Number:
The style and color of your defective Pebble watch
The serial number of your defective watch
Please also include a picture of the back of your Pebble with the Serial Number clearly shown and "Case #XXXXXX" written beneath it on a sheet of paper.
This watch was not registered with the email address you've contacted us from. Can you please confirm the email address associated to the Pebble account this watch was activated with?
Once you have confirmed the above, we can proceed with the RMA process.
邮件中提供了一个 Case 号码,要求将手表背面朝上放在一张写有 Case 号码的纸上,拍一张照片发过去。
同时,由于我发送 support 邮件的邮箱并不是 Pebble 帐号的邮箱,邮件中还要求我提供 Pebble 注册帐号的邮箱。
3. 接着,会收到 Pebble 的一个订单邮件,告知你购买了 Pebble ,当然这个购买是不必花钱的。
4. 然后,会收到一个带有快递单号的邮件。发往中国的快递是使用 提供的服务,快递状态可以在网站上查询,当然只有一些基本状态而已。
5. 剩下就是等待了!
Pebble 花屏的原因就是排线松掉了,排线松掉的原因就是模具没做好。
- 文章ID:2441
- 原文作者:zrong
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